
January 5, 2022

Wreath of green

Everyone asks, “Who was Stéphanie? “Actually she was no-one! I recalled that in Greek mythology the god to whom good fortune was paid is named Stéphanos. And since the house – la maison – is feminine I decided upon Stéphanie. 

Marie-Josèphe and I raised our family here in this house. We arrived in 1780 with our firstborn daughter Charlotte Celeste who was born in St. Louis. The following were all born in the Atakapas: Louise was born in 1781, Julie in 1783, Martin in 1785, Clarisse in 1786 and lastly Valmont in 1787. 

The logo currently used here is a wreath of greens and flowers which is the tribute paid to Stéphnaos. 

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